More features have been added to Microsoft Edge with the new built

With just 1 month left in the launch of windows 10, Microsoft had released a bunch of new features in Microsoft Edge in their new build. The browser which was previously known The Project Spartan had been named ‘Edge’ with the release of the build 10158.  Now with the new built, 10159 has been released and it has bought a couple of cool features.

 Here are the list of features in Microsoft Edge

  • The browser is now branded Microsoft Edge
  • Background audio playback is now supported
  • Tabs can now be dragged and dropped to a new window
  • You can now have a Home button via Settings > Advanced Settings and turn on “Show the home button”
  • We’ve added the ability for you to import favorites/bookmarks from other browsers into Microsoft Edge
  • There are new options for changing what you see when you first start Microsoft Edge
  • There are new customizations for the New Tab page. You can choose to either see top sites and suggested content – or just top sites.
  • We’ve added password and form-fill support. Microsoft Edge now lets you manage your passwords for your favorite websites
  • You can now choose a Light or Dark theme
  • Web Notes can now be saved to One Note
  • Reading Lists now appear on the New Tab Page

There are also a couple of known issues with the new version of Edge. One is that it uses a new app ID that might cause any favorites, cookies, history and Reading list items saved in the old “Project Spartan version to be lost. Microsoft says users who want to keep them should perform a back-up before updating Windows 10 to the new build 10158. It adds:

“When using a Windows locale setting other than en-US, users may have difficulty accessing about:flags. To workaround this issue, temporarily change your locale to en-US and set your desired flags. Your flags will be preserved even if you change your locale again afterward.”

Source : Microsoft

features in Microsoft Edge

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