Google Launches Dataset Search – Search engine for databases

Google has launched a new search engine today that can show you a list of relevant databases according to your search term. it will be a companion of sorts to Google Scholar, the company’s popular search engine for academic studies and reports. Institutions that publish their data online, like universities and governments, will need to include metadata tags in their web pages that describe their data, including who created it, when it was published, how it was collected, and so on. This information will then be indexed by Google’s search engine and combined with information from the Knowledge Graph.

As a data scientist myself, I think it will be of great help as, till now there was not any unified place to get all the databases available online, There have been a lot of small companies who have tried to make a similar system but now Google is here, So no doubt, We finally will have a robust solution. Google has done this at the right time as with all the advancements in AI and ML, There is a high demand for data.

The initial release of Dataset Search will cover the environmental and social sciences, government data, and datasets from news organizations like ProPublica. However, if the service becomes popular, the amount of data it indexes should quickly snowball as institutions and scientists scramble to make their information accessible.

Google will be relying completely on the metadata provided by the publishers of the databases however it is pretty sure that Google will be using its spiders to crawl the databases.

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