OnePlus 3 vs Samsung Galaxy S6 – Which to buy?

OnePlus now has launched the third variant of their lineup with OnePlus 3. Samsung no doubt has been the leader in Smartphone industry, and Samsung Galaxy S7 still is far better than the OnePlus 3. Now the Samsung Galaxy S6 is selling for around the same price as of OnePlus 3 i.e. $400 so I Samsung’s last year’s flagship better than the OnePlus 3? Let’s find out, OnePlus 3 vs Samsung Galaxy S6

OnePlus 3 vs Samsung Galaxy S6 – Which one to buy?

Design – OnePlus 3 vs Samsung Galaxy S6

The OnePlus 3 features a full metal built and is congruent to the HTC 10 while the Samsung Galaxy S6 looks like a metal slap placed between two thin glasses. I prefer the looks of the Galaxy S6 while the metal body on the OnePlus 3 is much sturdier. If your phone falls, The OnePlus 3 might take it easily while the glass on the S6 will easily chatter.

OnePlus 3 vs Samsung Galaxy S6
Design difference of both the phones

The Samsung Galaxy S6 is a little bit thinner than the OnePlus 3, S6 being 6.8mm while the OnePlus 3 is 7.4mm. Both of these phones have a big camera hump which makes the phone unstable when on a table. Both these phones are slippery too, S6 being more.

Display – Samsung Galaxy S6 vs OnePlus 3

The OnePlus 3 features a 5.5″ full HD screen while S6 being the last generation phone features a much better 5.1″ 2K Super AMOLED display.

Camera – OnePlus 3 vs Samsung Galaxy S6

Both of these phones capture magnificent images. While the OnePlus 2 had an average camera, The OnePlus 3 creates some real competition among the two phones. The images from the Samsung Galaxy S6 comes to be a bit oversaturated while the color dynamics are right, The counterpart’s camera processing is also good with Decent images and good low light performance. On the video side, the onePlus 3 takes the lead with its Optical Image Stabilization much better than that of the S6. You can also view the camera review of OnePlus 3 here.

Performance – OnePlus 3 vs Samsung Galaxy S6

Now most of the people already know who is better in performance section but the thing is, performance is not equal to specs. It is not always necessary that the phone with better specs perform well too. I have used the OnePlus 3 for about a week, and I will say I am a bit disappointed by the performance. Sure, the phone is cheap, but the software implementation is a bit on the poorer side. But, even with that, the OnePlus 3 performs much better than the Samsung Galaxy S6.

ANtutu scores of OnePlus 3 and Samsung Galaxy S6

OnePlus 3 Performance Issue

These are the Antutu benchmarks of both the phones, as you can see, OnePlus 3 has more than double Antutu score than the Samsung Galaxy S6. In the real time, though, everything is smooth as butter on both the phones and Amazingly S6 launches some apps faster than the OnePlus 3. Well, it can be fixed by some software updates but  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. There are still some bugs in the Oxygen Os 2.0 for the Op2; I used a friend’s OnePlus 2 yesterday, and I faced some minor bugs like camera app crashing, notification bar giving problem sometimes, etc. The thing is, phones can do a lot of work which PCs used to do but they can never replace them, I being a tech blogger usees his phone extensively and I still find the performance of the S6 adequate. All the apps open quick, it doesn’t lag/hangs so I don’t find any reason to give phones such internals.

Problem – OnePlus 3 vs Samsung Galaxy S6?

The thing is, phones can do a lot of work which PCs used to do but they can never replace them, I being a tech blogger usees his phone extensively and I still find the performance of the S6 adequate. All the apps open quick, it doesn’t lag/hangs so I don’t find any reason to give phones such internals like 6GB of RAM, It’s good that you have it but why do you need it? And the thing which disheartens me the most is that the software optimization of the phone is terrible. The Samsung Galaxy S7 has 4GB of RAM while the OnePlus 3 has six but still S7 outperforms it in every way. Watch this video

Do note that OnePlus 3 costs half of what S6 costs so it may look fine to you but I wonder what is the use of 6GB RAM when the RAM management is like this. Don’t take me as a hater but I am a bit disappointed with the OnePlus 3 performance even though it is better than S6:3. Coming back to the topic, Yes OnePlus 3 does perform better than the S6, but OnePlus has a lot of space for improvement.

Battery – OnePlus 3 vs Samsung Galaxy S6

Samsung Galaxy S6 features a 2K 5.1″ display with a right number of pixels to power while at the same time the OnePlus 3 even though has a bigger screen(5.5 inches) has less number of pixels. S6 is known for its terrible battery life while in the OnePlus 3; the battery is mediocre. Neither best nor to the level of S6. S6 is really thin device and is very compact too, so the battery capacity, 2500mAh seems to be enough, the OnePlus 3 is a pretty big phone and has just 3000mAh a big bummer, I would not have minded the Oneplus 3 being a bit thicker with some extra battery. Even the OnePlus 2 had the larger battery than the Op3.


The OnePlus 3 comes with dash charging while the S6 comes with Quick charging 2.0. This means both these phones charge super fast but as OnePlus 3 being the latest device, it comes with better technology. OnePlus 3 charges from 0-100% in around 1hour while the Samsung Galaxy S6 takes 1 hour 25 minutes, So the OnePlus 3 wins here because of its new technology.

Battery Backup

Talking about the battery backup, surprisingly both these phones provide almost the same battery life. The OnePlus 3 provides me around 4 hours of screen on time with regular use on wifi while the Samsung Galaxy s6 gives a screen on time of 4 hours 30 minutes (With latest update)

Brand reliability/ After sales – OnePlus 3 vs Samsung Galaxy S6

Once you buy the phone, there is a great chance that you might break it, or it might get any problem internally, so a good service support is very essential. When I first bought a Chinese phone, I did not think about it and after a year, when the screen cracked, I came to know that after sales are crucial. OnePlus has terrible service centers in countries like USA, India, etc. So If you know, you will take care of the phone well, then only think of the Chinese manufacturers.

Conclusion – OnePlus 3 vs Samsung Galaxy S6

If you are getting a Samsung Galaxy S6 on contract for a good deal, I will say go for it as You are having a great phone which will easily last you up to two to three years. If you are looking for an unlocked phone within $400 – $500 then I will say go for OnePlus 3, Why? Just for its specs.The phone performs well and has almost no competition.


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