How to Root Asus Zenfone 4 with easy method by xda dev

You can All The details of this phone in this site ..
“How to root” Asus Zenfone :
01. Download & Instal Intel Usb Driver
02. Download & Extrack File Root “Root_
Zenfone 4_T001.rar” Extrack File must in the
same folder
03. Mode Debugging USB (Usb Debugging) is
On. (settings/About/Software information
touch “Build Number” 7x).
04. Turn off Zenfone 4 and enter to
“DROIDBOOT” (Power + Vol Up + Vol Down)
05. plug in Zenfone 4, Make sure On the
Screen Mode DROIDBOOT Is Inscribed ”
Ready for Download”
06. Open the folder that was extracted and
klik “OPEN.CMD”
07. type this on cmd: fastboot flash update
08. ” Enter ” wait for processing
09. Your Zenfone 4 now is rooted.

Credits to the xda dev for writing this procedure Root asus zenfone 4 .Works with only zenfone 4 not all zenfone devices ,im warning you not to try and brick your devices pleasee ..

” Download ”
01. Intel Usb Driver :…devices?page=1
Mirror Devhost:

02. File Root (Choose one)
Mediafire :
Dev-Host :

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