Micromax Yu Yureka Facing Serious Issues

You may think as Yu Yureka as a trending device, everybody wants to get it, people are using Scripts, Paying around Rs. 1000 extra to buy it, but just because of specs on paper, one can’t decide how the device actually is. Seeing some review and other posts I eventually thought of buying Yu Yureka, and it turned out to be disastrous, There were tons of issues in the phone, I am not really a micromax fan but buying this made me a full Hater, also I Exchanged it twice to make sure it’s not a manufacturing defect but well the truth is truth. The Coolpad F2 faced the same issues in China where Coolpad initially made it, It wasn’t much hyped due to its issues.

The first and foremost issue is heating, The phone heats up as if we have bought it for making an omelet, belive me or not, I played some games for merely half  an hours and the temperature it reached was 57°C, People have Reported that their Yu Yureka has got up to 68°C, That isn’t looks like a phone, rather a fry Pan I suppose.

The second issue People are facing is Battery Calibration, What it is, is that suppose you have charged your phone up to 100%, Now, after unplugging it, suddenly you see a drop of your battery to 7% and then it may switch Off saying low battery, Then after some time, you would see your battery suddenly changing to 30% or so, The battery will keep on doing it, The problem can be fixed with some tweaks but Micromax isn’t doing it Right Now.

People are also seeing their Back Cover fading, the So called Moon Dust Back cover. The Particles sticked on the cover seem to come out due to moist hands, that’s rather a concerning issue, This maybe due to excessive Heating of phone or a manufacturing defect.

There are also a lot of problems with CynogenMod, I have used it a lot, being a dev I have compiled a lot of ROMs with Cynogen but the Custom Cynogen which is Provided in Yu is not completely bug free, I have given Yu to my Mom and she was sick of Bugs in it, apps like music, gallery constantly Force closing, also sometimes, the whole OS force Closes making it a serious issue in Daily use.

The last but not the least is the Camera, The so-called 13 megapixel camera is not up to the mark, The picture aren’t sharp and the colour reproduction is also not good.


So if you were planning to buy Yu Yureka, it maybe that your bad days just start, If you have to buy a phone in a Range of 10,000, then i would suggest you to go for Redmi note 3G, if not then 4G.




2 thoughts on “Micromax Yu Yureka Facing Serious Issues”

  1. agree with u … finally asked amazon fr a return …..after struggling to buy for weeks.OS crash,restart,call screen dark,seems proximity sensor hardware is flawed…left nw with the useless flip cover..even if amazon refunds… still wasted 1200 on tempered glass and flip cover…… I a hurry to compete with xiaomi they ..mmx got out an untested un researched phone…..


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