OnePlus 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S7 edge – Which one to buy

OnePlus, A company known for making flagship spec phones for around 500$ has announced a new offering from their stable, the OnePlus 5. So yesterday I got my friend asking me that should he buy the OnePlus 5 or last year’s Samsung’s flagship, S7. Well, this is a pretty goo question and if we consider all the factors, then both seem to be even. So let us compare both the phones and see which one is the one in which you should invest your money in the OnePlus 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S7 edge.

Buy OnePlus 5

Design – OnePlus 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S7 edge

OnePlus 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S7 edge

Unless you are an iPhone wannabe, no doubt, the S7 edge looks gorgeous nd far much better than the OnePlus 5. The OnePluus 5 looks very similar to the iPhone 7 Plus and is a little less slippery than it. It is build of metal all around and be ready to have multiple dents all around the phone after a couple of drops. S7 has a glass back while the edges are made up of metal. The problem, however, is that once the phone falls, The rear glass too has a high chance of getting shattered. The good part is that the replacement glass is easily available for cheap.

You are reading – OnePlus 5 vs S7 edge

Ask any guy on the street that which phone looks better and most of the will say the S7 Edge. S7 edge looks amazing in hand and the back of the phone is gorgeous. There might be times when you just keeping looking t the back of the phone.

Display – OnePlus 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge

OnePlus 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S7 edge
Image Credits- Android Authority

S7 edge has a 5.5″ UHD or 2K AMOLED display while the OnePlus 5  has a 1080p Full HD display. The display of the S7 edge is an overkill with great viewing angles, darker black, and a great color tone. It is far better than that of the OnePlus 5. Its not just about the resolution, even the panel of the S7 edge is unmatched.

The curves on the display of the S7 edge enhances the look of the phone as well is functional to some extent.

Camera – OnePlus 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S7 edge

OnePlus 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S7 edge
OnePlus 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S7 edge Camera

The OnePlus 5 features a dual camera while the S7 still has a single camera. The pictures are much clearer in S7 and in low light, OnePlus 5’s camera can’t see a thing while the S7 is able to snap some great pictures in the low light as well.

ut OnePlus isThe benefit of the Oneplus 5, however, is that you get 1.6X optical zoom as well as the portrait mode which currently requires a lot of polishing and if and when OnePlus releases some updates on it, It would be capable of capturing those pictures with blurry backgrounds.

Fingerprint – OnePlus 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S7 edge

The OnePlus 5 and the S7 edge, both come with a fingerprint scanner, and at first, I though the S7 has a faster fingerprint scanner, but after multiple tries, both of them have a similar fingerprint scanner.

Performance – OnePlus 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S7 edge

The OnePlus  5 comes with a Snapdragon 835 processor which is an Octa-COre processor. It is paired along with Adreno 540 GPU. While S7 Edge comes with a Snapdragon 820 or an Exynos processor equivalent to Snapdragon 820. Now the SD 820 can’t compete with the performance you will get on the 835, the games will load faster, the transitions will be faster, everything will be faster but by just a little bit. The Snapdragon 820 is already very fast that you would hardly feel any difference in the real world but obviously, SD 835 is faster and if performance is your main concern then look no further and buy the OnePlus 5.

Extras – S7 Edge vs OnePlus 5

Now, this is the sector where OnePlus could have done a lot, there is no wireless charging, no iris canner, not even an IR blaster. Every flagship now a day is using Infinity display and what not but OnePlus is still making a standard phone with nothing new or fancy. And the saddest part is that there excuse it that they are small. lol. SO S7 Edge comes with an IR blaster, SD card slot, curved display, and waterproofing.

Final Virdict

If you are looking for a relaible phone which can do anything you put at it then go for the S7 and if you are looking for a performance oriented phone which would give you bang for your buck, go for the OnePlus.

Buy OnePlus 5

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