App #1 Opera Mini This is the lightest browser available on the playstore. Opera Mini has seen more than 100 million downloads on the Playstore where 3,161,265 users have given an average rating of 4.4 stars. The app stands out from the crowd of browsers due to
# Light weight and easy on the RAM (RAM usage makes a great deal for everyone using a low budget smartphone)
# Low data usage(Remember when you had 200 Mb left and had nearly two more weeks before your pocket money arrive)
# Simple and smooth
# Omnibar
When you start to feel that this browser can do it all, it fails. Downloading through Opera is like pulling a Merc E 350 by bulls. Weird, and impractical. The downloads fail and when they don’t, they take time a lot more than usual.
App #2 Dolphin Browser. The app has seen more than 10 million downloads and 1,878,332 users have given an average rating of 4.6 stars.
Browsing through Dlophin is a bit more complicated as you have to drag to options bubble to some place else to see the options but this app takes the damn cake when it come to downloading and live streaming videos.
Personally I have downloaded GBs of single .zips without a single failure.
App #3 and App #4 come in handy like nothing else when the case is you get internet for a limited amount of time. These apps are wonderful in downloading and pausing and again starting the download the next time you get the internet. These apps are UC Browser and ES Explorer’s Download Manager.
There are other wonderful browsers such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox and downloaders such as ATorrent Downloader or UTorrent’s official Client but these are not mentioned just because I wanted the article to be useful for my readers with low budget Android devices.
Hope this helps everyone! Happy Downloading Technokick Readers, may God bless you will less forcecloses! 😛