Technokick v2.0! started in 2014 just as a hobby and in those years it has had its shares of highs and lows. The site was doing great till 2016 end but we were coming to a point of saturation in technology and my interest in phones was a bit fading away, I wasn’t active in 2017 and half of 2018. The site was still running but I just wasn’t that active. The thing is I never treated Technokick as my Job and because of which I was never that much interested in it.

Incoming September, We are re-launching the site and this time it is not just a hobby or side project. Technokick will now be under a brand owned by me. I myself am no more a blogger, rather an entrepreneur. I am running another company along with this one and will try to make Technokick a Brand. I will be testing and investing my next 6 months and after these 6 months, Either This site will be a media publishing house or a domain up for sale.

I will from now be putting my 100% on this site. The first step will be to give it a makeover and within a few days, you will see the site changing its colors. I will also be expanding my team, So people with better writing skills will be introduced.

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